Showing all 4 results

Deep Purple Rose

59.00 MDL

Like roses Iguazu, Deep Purple are also characterized by velvety petals different from other roses varieties of the transition from the pink and light purple to more expressive purple color and a delicate and elegant look. Ordera stunning roses with delivery, which will surely be appreciated by your beloved.

Free Spirit Rose

65.00 MDL

Special roses combines two delicate colors: pink and orange, which symbolize freedom of spirit. Order fresh roses Free Spirit with unusual color to impress your beloved one or to congratulate your special friend.

Lucky Bamboo

129.00 MDL

Lucky Bamboo or Darcaena Sanderiana is the irreplaceable attribute in the homes of those who adhere to the rules of feng shui. These exotic plants can be arranged in a transparent glass vessel.

Flowers are perfect, each flower is a small masterpiece of nature, perfection,  that we want to feel and admire anytime, anywhere. Flowers delivered to your home or office – always a pleasant surprise, which causes only positive emotions.

 Various fresh flowers remain a pleasant memory for a long time. We offer flowers in any quantity and we give you an opportunity to surprise you friends, parents or business partners in a sign of gratitude, congratulations to any holiday or to express tender feelings.